Integrated Treatment for Many types of Pain 

Managing acute or chronic pain can be a difficult and time-consuming process. Some people find it hard to find a type of therapy or treatment that provides pain relief for their medical condition. If you're dealing with a chronic pain condition, or suffering acute pain from physical activity, ongoing disorders or an injury, our pain management doctors offer the integrated care you need.

Conditions We Treat

When you're in pain from a chronic disease or condition, or in acute pain from an injury, your nerves send pain signals to your brain. These pain signals can be overwhelming as well as distracting, making it difficult to focus on any activity. Getting treatment for your pain disorders can help you get back to doing all of the physical activities and things you need and want to do every day.

In our clinic, we treat chronic pain patients who are experiencing:

  • Leg pain

  • Arm pain

  • Neck pain

  • Back pain

  • Spinal stenosis

  • Arthritis pain, such as from rheumatoid arthritis

  • Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Shingles

  • Pain after a stroke

  • Trauma pain

  • Myofascial pain

  • Pelvic, abdominal and chest wall pain

  • Cancer pain

We offer medicine, physical therapy, nerve injections, and nerve stimulation to relieve pain symptoms. Our treatment methods for chronic pain include trigger-point injections, spinal cord stimulators, epidurals, radiofrequency ablation, joint injections, and nerve blocks. We work with you to determine the right course of treatment for your persistent pain condition.

Causes of Chronic Back Pain

Back pain isn't the only chronic pain condition we treat, but it is a major problem for many people. There are many causes of chronic back pain:

  • Your muscles can be damaged by repetitive movements.

  • If you exercise without warming up your muscles first, this may cause your body to have a strain, sprain or other soft tissue damage.

  • Brittle bones and damage to your cartilage may cause back pain.

  • Nerve damage, such as sciatica or a pinched nerve, may lead to pain in your back.

  • Spinal stenosis, which is a narrowing of the spinal canal that puts pressure on the nerves inside the spine, can also cause pain.

  • Similarly, an injury to your spinal cord may cause you to have severe pain, numbness and tingling.

  • Degenerative disc disease is another very common cause of back pain, and develops as people age. When the discs between vertebrae deteriorate, nerve roots can be pinched, leading to pain or weakness. 

No matter what the cause of back pain is, and whether it is chronic or acute, we can develop a treatment plan with the goal of helping relieve your pain and get you back to enjoying your daily activities. 

Symptoms of Chronic Back Pain

Chronic back pain doesn't only cause aching, stiffness, and pain in your back. The pain can spread into other areas of your body. This is called referred pain.

For example, your hip may start to hurt, often because of a change in posture caused by your back pain. Many people with back pain experience chronic and severe headaches. Abdominal and pelvic pain is also common in people with ongoing back pain. You may notice increased difficulty with walking, climbing stairs, bending and self-care activities.

Hope for Chronic Pain Patients 

Whether you have a common type of pain condition or something less common, pain clinics like Mays & Schnapp offer many pain treatment options to give you the relief you need. We also offer behavioral therapy. It's our goal to treat the whole person so you can get back to the normal activities you enjoy.

Contact us today about your back pain, joint pain, or any other type of pain you're experiencing. From dull aches to sharp pain, there's no need to suffer any longer than you already have!

  or call us at (901) 747-0040